Quels sont les risques de l'acésulfame K, cet édulcorant présent dans nos aliments ?
Allo Docteur,
L'acésulfame K est un édulcorant largement utilisé par les industriels. On vous explique ce que vous risquez si vous en…
L'acésulfame K est un édulcorant largement utilisé par les industriels. On vous explique ce que vous risquez si vous en…
We tasted the two diet sodas while dietitians reviewed the ingredients and nutrition information to reveal the differences.
The Calorie Control Council says that nonsugar sweeteners are safe, pointing out that governments around the world, including…
The fact that these foods are lower in sugar doesn't necessarily mean they're good for you.
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Experts recommend getting your hands on these healthy sodas that are great alternatives to sugary colas.
Is protein water worth the latest hype? We tasted popular brands to find out. This post contains affiliate links.
All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only…
On 29 June 2023, the soda industry was bracing for a fresh wave of controversy.
On 29 June 2023, the soda industry was bracing for a fresh wave of controversy.
On 29 June 2023, the soda industry was bracing for a fresh wave of controversy.
On 29 June 2023, the soda industry was bracing for a fresh wave of controversy.
Many ice creams in the freezer aisle aren't made with just milk, cream, and sugar—and that's a bad thing.
Um Zucker zu ersetzen, kommt in Light-Produkten und Limos häufig der Süßstoff Aspartam zum Einsatz.
L'ESSENTIEL Les émulsifiants figurent parmi les additifs les plus couramment utilisés dans les produits ultra-transformés afin d…
Cet article est republié à partir de The Conversation sous licence Creative Commons.
Cet article est republié à partir de The Conversation sous licence Creative Commons.
Cet article est republié à partir de The Conversation sous licence Creative Commons.
Cet article est republié à partir de The Conversation sous licence Creative Commons.
Cet article est republié à partir de The Conversation sous licence Creative Commons.
Le Nutri-score est un logo destiné à informer les consommateurs sur la qualité nutritionnelle des aliments et leur permettre de…
From bacon and fries, to donuts and milkshakes, you may want to limit your consumption of these foods.
In a recent report, the World Health Organization said aspartame in large enough amounts may cause cancer.
Световната здравна организация (СЗО) заяви, че популярният по цял свят подсладител аспартам е потенциално канцерогенен.
Food Photographer/Unsplash Is diet soda safe? If you're concerned about sugar (and you're right to be), diet products seem a…
Süßstoffe, wie sie in Energy-Drinks vorkommen und die gerne auch im Kaffee landen, erhöhen das Risiko für Krebs.
In recent years, non-sugar sweeteners – often referred to as artificial, low-calorie or non-nutritive sweeteners – have been…
代糖,代替了糖给予人以甜味,却无形中也埋下了焦虑的隐患。肠道菌群的破坏可能会给人体造成系统性损失,其损伤部位不一定在肠道,全身各器官都有可能受损。 阿巴斯甜是一种常见的人工甜味剂,被广泛应用于各类食品和饮料中,以替代传统的糖分。 7月14日,阿斯巴甜被世界卫…
It depends on whether the chewing gum contains sugar or an artificial sweetener.
Alors que l’aspartame fait l’objet de controverses depuis des années, les récentes évaluations du CIRC et du JECFA ont suscité…
La seguridad de los edulcorantes artificiales ha sido un tema controvertido. Múltiples estudios indican un vínculo entre los…
The World Health Organization declared on July 14, 2023, that the widely used synthetic sweetener aspartame could be a "possible…
The World Health Organization on July 14, 2023 stated that the widely used synthetic sweetener aspartame could be a “possible…
Despite a recent announcement by the World Health Organization (WHO) that the artificial sweetener aspartame, which is used in…
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The World Health Organization declared on July 14, 2023, that the widely used synthetic sweetener aspartame could be a “possible…
The World Health Organization declared on July 14, 2023, that the widely used synthetic sweetener aspartame could be a “possible…
La división de investigación del cáncer de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) clasificó al edulcorante aspartamo como “pot…
The artificial sweetener, aspartame, was recently in the news for being classified as a Group 2B carcinogen by the…
Diet soda is supposed to be a healthier option than its sugary counterpart: You get the delicious taste without all the calories.
Diet soda is supposed to be a healthier option than its sugary counterpart: You get the delicious taste without all the calories.
Что случилось? Агентство Всемирной организации здравоохранения по изучению рака объявило искусственный подсластитель аспартам воз…
Le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (CIRC, qui fait partie de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé) a aujourd’hui…
Adoçante aspartame é considerado "possivelmente cancerígeno" pela OMS; entenda A classificação foi feita com base em evidências…
Die Internationale Krebsforschungsagentur (IARC) der WHO hat den Süßstoff Aspartam jetzt als „möglicherweise krebserregend…
还记得半个月前闹的沸沸扬扬的“世卫或将把阿斯巴甜列为致癌物质”事件吗? 今天世卫官方发通告说明啦,宣布“阿斯巴甜被评估为2B类致癌物”。 世卫公布阿斯巴甜危害和风险评估结果 一听到“癌”是不是涩涩发抖,手里的可乐顿时不香了? 上次还有孕妈妈跟我们留言说“喝了…
Gesunde Ernährung Die WHO hat den Süßstoff Aspartam als "möglicherweise krebserregend" eingestuft.
Share on Pinterest The World Health Organization has classified aspartame as a possible carcinogen.
WHO issues conflicting conclusions, calling the artificial sweetener safe and listing it as a ‘possible carcinogen’ Two…
(CNN) — For the first time, a semi-independent committee for the World Health Organization said Thursday that it's determined…
Last week, it was reported that the World Health Organization’s cancer research agency, the International Agency for Research…
Aspartame, a widely used artificial sweetener often found in sugar-free soda and thousands of other food products, has been…
Aspartame, an artificial sweetener widely found in diet sodas, chewing gum and sugar-free foods, was labeled a "possible…
All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name.
Here’s a confession. When I hear the crackle of a pull tab as a drinks can is opened, followed by that rush of carbonated fizz…
Here’s a confession. When I hear the crackle of a pull tab as a drinks can is opened, followed by that rush of carbonated fizz…
Here’s a confession. When I hear the crackle of a pull tab as a drinks can is opened, followed by that rush of carbonated fizz…
Here’s a confession. When I hear the crackle of a pull tab as a drinks can is opened, followed by that rush of carbonated fizz…
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the sugar substitute aspartame to be “possibly carcinogenic to humans,” but it is…
Laspartame, édulcorant controversé et présent dans des dizaines de produits consommés quotidiennement dans le monde, vient dêtre…
Coca-Cola comenzó a mezclar aspartamo en Diet Coke en la década de 1980. El edulcorante artificial se usa en muchos productos…
14 Luglio 2023 Dopo un’approfondita revisione di studi un comitato congiunto dell’OMS e della IARC ha inserito l’aspartame nell’e…
Was nach einem Medikament klingt, ist in Wahrheit der weltweit gebräuchlichste künstliche Süßstoff.
The World Health Organisation has confirmed that a sweetener often found in 'diet' soda products is 'possibly carcinogenic to…
Amina Manzoor who Publicerad 14 jul 2023 kl 05.48 WHO:s cancerforskningsinstitut klassar det populära sötningsmedlet aspartam…
Coca-Cola began blending aspartame into Diet Coke in the 1980s. The artificial sweetener is used in lots of products from diet…
WHO questions safety of aspartame As more Americans shy away from sugar, artificial sweeteners have stepped in to fill the gap…
For the first time, a semi-independent committee for the World Health Organization said Thursday that it’s determined that…
(CNN) — For the first time, a semi-independent committee for the World Health Organization said Thursday that it’s determined…
Share on PinterestAspartame is a common artificial sweetener often used in diet sodas.
WHO questions safety of aspartame WHO questions safety of aspartame 00:46 As more Americans shy away from sugar, artificial…
For years, artificial sweeteners were promoted as a healthier alternative to table sugar.
One of the world’s leading global health bodies has declared aspartame — a common artificial sweetener used in Diet Coke and…
Coca-Cola began blending aspartame into Diet Coke in the 1980s. The artificial sweetener is used in lots of products from diet…
Thunderbolt in the agri-food world, or a simple symbolic step in the controversy over the supposed dangerousness of sweeteners ?
El aspartamo está en muchos productos de consumo diario. Es el edulcorante no nutritivo que se viene usando desde la década de…
A committee of 25 international experts has determined that aspartame may "possibly" cause cancer in people, according to a…
Highlights: Aspartame, "fake sugar" present in dozens of products consumed daily in France and around the world, has just been…
A committee of 25 international experts has determined that aspartame may "possibly" cause cancer in people, according to a…
A committee of 25 international experts has determined that aspartame may "possibly" cause cancer in people, according to a…
A committee of 25 international experts has determined that aspartame may "possibly" cause cancer in people, according to a…
A committee of 25 international experts has determined that aspartame may "possibly" cause cancer in people, according to a…
A committee of 25 international experts has determined that aspartame may "possibly" cause cancer in people, according to a…
A committee of 25 international experts has determined that aspartame may "possibly" cause cancer in people, according to a…
A committee of 25 international experts has determined that aspartame may "possibly" cause cancer in people, according to a…
A committee of 25 international experts has determined that aspartame may "possibly" cause cancer in people, according to a…
A committee of 25 international experts has determined that aspartame may "possibly" cause cancer in people, according to a…
A committee of 25 international experts has determined that aspartame may "possibly" cause cancer in people, according to a…
A committee of 25 international experts has determined that aspartame may "possibly" cause cancer in people, according to a…
A committee of 25 international experts has determined that aspartame may "possibly" cause cancer in people, according to a…
A committee of 25 international experts has determined that aspartame may "possibly" cause cancer in people, according to a…
A committee of 25 international experts has determined that aspartame may "possibly" cause cancer in people, according to a…