Cows Painted With Zebra-Like Striping Can Avoid Biting Fly Attack User Thubanstar, in the Snorkblot subreddit, 22 Mar 2021
If you paint a cow like a zebra, it won't be bitten by flies User IJesusChrist, in the r/Sciences - Science on Reddit subreddit, 15 Oct 2019
A team of researchers painted black and white stripes on cows. They found that it reduced the number of biting flies landing on the cows by more than 50%. The biting flies equates to roughly $2.2 billion in yearly loss for the U.S. cattle industry alone. User SirT6, in the r/Sciences - Science on Reddit subreddit, 09 Oct 2019
Cows painted with zebra-like striping can avoid biting fly attack User mddtsk, in the Verywhen subreddit, 08 Oct 2019