Nuestra frecuencia cardíaca en reposo varía enormemente, según revelan los datos de FitBit,
Dependiendo de la frecuencia cardíaca que mida su médico durante su chequeo anual, es posible que obtenga un sello de aprobación…
Dependiendo de la frecuencia cardíaca que mida su médico durante su chequeo anual, es posible que obtenga un sello de aprobación…
Depending on the heart rate your doctor measures during your annual checkup, you might get a stamp of approval — or a raised…
These devices utilize advanced sensors to measure heart rate, sleep patterns, calories, and even stress levels.
Consumer devices are getting smaller, faster, and more seamless in their user-experience.
This is the second in a two-part series on the future of wearable tech. Part one (read here) explores what future wearables…
This is the first in a two-part series on the future of wearable tech. Part two examines the incredible advances in power and…
Editor's note: This is the second in a two-part series on the future of wearable tech.
This is the second in a two-part series on the future of wearable tech. Part one (read here) explores what future wearables…
This is the second in a two-part series on the future of wearable tech. Part one (read here) explores what future wearables…
This is the first in a two-part series on the future of wearable tech. Part two examines the incredible advances in power and…
Harpreet Rai, o CEO da empresa de anéis inteligentes Oura, muitas vezes conta uma história sobre um Março de 2020 Postagem no…
Harpreet Rai, the CEO of smart ring company Oura, often tells a story about a March 2020 Facebook post.
Plusieurs fabricants de montres intelligentes, bracelets connectés et autres accessoires du même acabit, assurent que leurs…
Stanford researchers are working with Fitbit and Scripps Research Institute to develop wearables that can detect infectious…
The first thing you might notice about Michael Snyder is just how many gadgets he has strapped to his hands and wrists on any…
Depending on the heart rate your doctor measures during your annual checkup, you might get a stamp of approval — or a raised…
This being 2020, many people have graduated from using wearables for simple step counting to getting more in-depth info about…
Flu cases can be predicted from heart rate and sleep information Jan 17 · 5 min read Photo: PeopleImages/E+/ In 2017, a group…
Mike Stobe/Getty Researchers are testing whether smart watches and similar devices, currently popular among runners, can be…
Der gelbe Mantel flattert im Wind; Polizeiinspektor Dick Tracy ist in Eile. Sein Alltagsgeschäft ist die Verbrecherjagd in den…
04/15/2017 02:48 am ET The growing value of data in healthcare is a topic I’ve touched on increasingly in the past few months.
Doctors are losing their role as the gatekeeper of our health information, for better or worse.
Findings published Jan. 12, 2017, in PLoS Biology, have major implications for knowing when to seek medical help before…
Negli ultimi 3-4 anni gli smartwatch e braccialetti fitness sono diventati un accessorio spesso indispensabile per chi fa sport…
Smartwatches are normally touted for their ability to track our activity, count steps, and log our heart rate during a morning…
Immer mehr Menschen schwören auf Smart Watches und Fitnessarmbänder. Der etwas verrückte Selbstversuch eines Forschers hat…
Stanford professor Michael Snyder was flying to Norway for a family vacation last year, wearing a Basis smart watch (since…
Wouldn’t it be great if you could get an early warning that you’re coming down with something, even before you start to feel…
I dispositivi indossabili, di cui si parla da tempo, sono di grande interesse per la medicina di precisione.
Using wearable devices has become a popular way to stay on top of our health. But usually, they tell you things that are easy…
Using wearable devices has become a popular way to stay on top of our health. But usually, they tell you things that are easy…
Un estudio logra establecer el momento en el que las personas enferman a través de los datos recopilados por sensores portátiles…
Notifications saying you’re about to get a cold aren’t far away. You might think wearable tech is another bit of useless kit…
Home > Physical Wellness Update Date: Jan 16, 2017 12:28 AM EST With just a tweak in the software program, wearable devices can…
Kroppsburen teknik såsom aktivitetsarmband och smarta klädesplagg kan berätta när du håller på att insjukna - innan du själv…
In recent years, most have probably heard of, and become familiar with, the subject of Lyme disease.
Can your smart watch detect when you are becoming sick? A new study from Stanford, publishing in PLOS Biology, indicates that…
Early warning system: A handout photo showing Snyder sporting wearable gadgets.
The last decade has seen a rapid increase in wearable sensing and monitoring devices.
It may one day be possible to spot illness the same way many of us already track our exercise habits and sleep patterns with…
Can your smart watch detect when you are becoming sick? A new study from Stanford, publishing in PLOS Biology, indicates that…
Fitness activity trackers and smartwatches may soon be able to do more than what they are traditionally equipped to do.
Reuters Health Information By Lisa Rapaport | January 13, 2017 (Reuters Health) - It may one day be possible to spot illness…
Investigadores de la Universidad de Stanford (Califonia, EE.UU.) publicaron en la revista «PLOS Biology» un estudio con el que…
Scientific Method — Unlike snapshot doctor visits, wearables get full baseline for precision medicine.
Geneticist Michael Snyder was wearing seven biosensors collecting data about his health when he noticed changes in his heart…
(Newser) – In mid-2015, researchers studying fitness trackers counted 500 different devices on the market.
You might think wearable tech is another bit of useless kit phone companies are trying to flog, but smartwatches could soon…
Wearables sind mit einer immer größeren Anzahl an Sensoren ausgestattet. Sie erfassen unsere Herzfrequenz, die Temperatur…
MADRID, 13 Ene. (EDIZIONES/Portaltic) - Investigadores de la Universidad de Stanford han desarrollado un 'software' basado en…
You might think wearable tech is another bit of useless kit phone companies are trying to flog, but smartwatches could soon…
Носимые гаджеты — "умные" часы и фитнес-трекеры — способны сигнализировать о признаках многих заболеваний ещё до того, как они пе…
Have you been looking for a reason to wear your heart-rate tracking smartwatch or fitness band more often? How about that if…
New research from Stanford shows that fitness monitors and other wearable biosensors can tell when an individual’s heart rate…
(Reuters Health)It may one day be possible to spot illness the same way many of us already track our exercise habits and sleep…
HEALTHY LIVING Changes in heart rate and skin temperature could all be signs of an impending illness.
Plenty of people try to stay vigilant about their health and watch for signs that they might be coming down with something …
Plenty of people try to stay vigilant about their health and watch for signs that they might be coming down with something …
It may one day be possible to spot illness the same way many of us already track our exercise habits and sleep patterns: with…
When monitoring heart rate, skin temperatures, activity and other physiological data, biometric-sensing wearables are also…
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – It may one day be possible to spot illness the same way many of us already track our…
(Reuters Health) – It may one day be possible to spot illness the same way many of us already track our exercise habits and…
By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – It may one day be possible to spot illness the same way many of us already track our…
What's the future of wearable technology like the Fitbit or the Apple Watch when it comes to our health? Right now we can count…
They helped one researcher predict his own illness They’re popular, but wearable devices that track exercise or sleep are not…
WestEnd61/REX/Shutterstock Once we had palm-reading, now we have smartwatches. Wearable tech can now detect when you’re about…
Home Technology Hi Tech
Smartwatch data can be used to detect and even predict disease, researchers say.
Can your smart watch detect when you are becoming sick? A new study from Stanford, publishing January 12th, 2017 in PLOS Biology…
Wearable sensors that monitor heart rate, activity, skin temperature and other variables can reveal a lot about what is going…