Could Moon Dust Help Reduce Global Temperatures?
Hackaday Blog,
The impacts of climate change continue to mount on human civilization, with warning signs that worse times are yet to come.
The impacts of climate change continue to mount on human civilization, with warning signs that worse times are yet to come.
PLOS’ environmental science journals cover a broad range of topics, from agriculture and ecosystems, to the effects of…
Solar geoengineering has been prominent in the news lately. It looks like the long-predicted spike of attention to these…
#Farol de Notícias (Atualidades científicas que foram destaque na semana) Pesquisadores sugerem usar poeira da lua para reduzir…
He participado en el episodio 403 del podcast Coffee Break: Señal y Ruido [iVoox, iTunes], titulado “Ep403: Miniluna; Lope de…
In an astro-engineering approach to climate change mitigation, researchers calculate how dust could be fired from the Moon into…
Geoengineering the planet to reverse the worst effects of climate change is a controversial idea that has been largely rejected…
Proposals to fight climate change by blocking sunlight aren’t new, but some experts argue the answer lies closer to home
Chaque année, les effets de la hausse des températures globales deviennent plus flagrants, tandis que les chances d'éviter de…
Alongside nuclear war or a massive impact from an asteroid, anthropogenic climate change is one of the greatest existential…
CIENCIA Y ECOLOGÍA Los autores del nuevo estudio subrayan que este solo explora el impacto potencial de esta estrategia, en…
In case you haven’t noticed, things are getting a little bit desperate when it comes to climate change. We need global…
This story was originally published by the Guardian and is reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration.
By Jo…
Art by Ofjd125gk87 By Jo Nova In the next great environmental cult moment, “The Science” has a plan to explode a 10-billion-kilog…
Expertos creen que el polvo lunar puede acabar con el cambio climático al crear un escudo protector contra la radiación solar.
This week I interviewed two physicists in Germany about sending quantum technologies into space (stay tuned for that on an…
Intercepting a fraction of the sun’s energy before it reaches Earth may be enough to reverse the planet’s rising temperatures…
Rappresentazione del flusso di polvere simulato lanciato tra la Terra e il Sole. Crediti: Ben Bromley/Università dello…
Open access…
Open access…
From Tallbloke’s…
[image credit:] People get paid to write research articles with supposedly climate-friendly ideas…
[image credit:] People get paid to write research articles with supposedly climate-friendly ideas…
Could space dust help protect the earth from climate change? Continue reading Moon dust could help protect the earth from…
Researchers are proposing a new geoengineering solution to an overheating planet. This one is a real doozy of an idea.
From The University of…
Or we could just, you know, cut back on fossil fuels…
Felizmente, os próprios autores admitem que a realização do seu plano iria requerer um custo e esforço astronômicos.
Astrophysicists propose geoengineering solution to climate warming, although skeptics still urge ‘massive’ fossil fuel…
A team of scientists believes moon dust could be used to protect the Earth from climate change.The new strategy, a form of…