@SheilaDillon Hello @SheilaDillon , sorry for late reply. There are indeed solid epidemiological proofs of association between nitrate/nitrite exposure from processed meats and Type 2 Diabete. Please see https://t.co/ZhYLmHgpgY
RT @PLOSMedicine: @BernardSrour and colleagues investigate the associations between dietary nitrites/nitrates and type-2 diabetes onset in…
@ChalletG @Acermendax Sources Diabète : https://t.co/RW2Mkx9baM Cancer colorectal : https://t.co/4Po5sNTZ3a
@LaMineDeSel1 il y a eu pas mal d'études depuis les années 2010 sur le lien entre consommation de viande rouge et diabète, et plus récemment sur le lien avec les nitrites dans la charcuterie : https://t.co/jkOkhSoeRR
RT @PLOSMedicine: @BernardSrour and colleagues investigate the associations between dietary nitrites/nitrates and type-2 diabetes onset in…
@Fifoubraz @_richardramos @T_Fiolet Il n’y aurait d’ailleurs manifestement pas qu’un risque accru de cancer https://t.co/kMyNXBiota
→続き) 添加物としても使われる亜硝酸塩が糖尿病と関連!? 詳しくは下記文献へ: https://t.co/dnolVveay5
Nitrite additives associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes https://t.co/8ECs1tE6ig https://t.co/JvbzjbYd0m https://t.co/6BtM2fTqY8
Dietary exposure to #nitrites & #nitrates in association with type 2 diabetes risk French NutriNet-Santé cohort ➡️regular limitar el uso de nitritos como aditivos alimentarios. 🔗 https://t.co/f8aMpRZJq7 @gt_hta @SemergenGTDM
フランスの栄養疫学研究者のチームは、成人104,163名を用いたFrench NutriNet-Santé大規模前向きコホート研究で、食事由来の亜硝酸塩、また食品添加物の亜硝酸塩ナトリウム(E250)の摂取量と2型糖尿病のリスクに正の相関があることを報告しています。 https://t.co/hsrMUUeqe1
RT @CRESS_U1153: Article @NutriNetSante dans PlosMed qui suggère une association entre les nitrites provenant d’additifs et un risque poten…
RT @dr_guevara: Dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates in assoc w T2D risk @PLOSMedicine Could this pathway also lead to frailty? @M…
Dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates in assoc w T2D risk @PLOSMedicine Could this pathway also lead to frailty? @MjoseBarahona1 @FormigaFrancesc @EndoNutMutua @macesari @docmaltese @FrailtyScience https://t.co/eyqcZbjb0h
RT @centinel5051: Estudio observacional: Nitritos dietéticos asociados a mayor riesgo de diabetes tipo 2. Nitratos sin relación. https://t.…
https://t.co/xCkJ613D28 A recent study found that exposure to dietary nitrites may increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The study suggests that nitrite consumption may carry a risk for type two diabetes, but no association was found between nit
RT @centinel5051: Estudio observacional: Nitritos dietéticos asociados a mayor riesgo de diabetes tipo 2. Nitratos sin relación. https://t.…
Estudio observacional: Nitritos dietéticos asociados a mayor riesgo de diabetes tipo 2. Nitratos sin relación. https://t.co/5PgWNqrODZ
RT @CRESS_U1153: Article @NutriNetSante dans PlosMed qui suggère une association entre les nitrites provenant d’additifs et un risque poten…
RT @CRESS_U1153: Article @NutriNetSante dans PlosMed qui suggère une association entre les nitrites provenant d’additifs et un risque poten…
RT @CRESS_U1153: Article @NutriNetSante dans PlosMed qui suggère une association entre les nitrites provenant d’additifs et un risque poten…
RT @CRESS_U1153: Article @NutriNetSante dans PlosMed qui suggère une association entre les nitrites provenant d’additifs et un risque poten…
RT @CRESS_U1153: Article @NutriNetSante dans PlosMed qui suggère une association entre les nitrites provenant d’additifs et un risque poten…
Article @NutriNetSante dans PlosMed qui suggère une association entre les nitrites provenant d’additifs et un risque potentiellement accru de diabète de type 2 @CRESS_U1153 @Inserm @INRAE_France @univ_spn @univ_paris_cite #MathildeTouvier @BernardSrour ht
RT @medical_xpress: #Nitrite additives associated with increased risk of type 2 #diabetes @plos @plosmedicine https://t.co/a2Albrqgf2 https…
Yeni bir çalışma, işlenmiş etteki nitratları tip 2 diyabet riskinin artmasıyla ilişkilendirmiş. https://t.co/pcg5WfI70E
Dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates in association with type 2 diabetes risk: Results from the NutriNet-Santé population-based cohort study | PLOS Medicine https://t.co/Xr1YEXgx95
@g_coudray Do I? I'm sorry - I quoted the wrong study: https://t.co/OfQh2sxZT0 Main source of nitrites and nitrates in foods are vegetables and plant foods. See also @EFSA's exposure assessment. https://t.co/TrvQh1q1wr
RT @BernardSrour: @bapbray @ggkuhnle @QUBFoodProf Thank you, also feel free to check out the corresponding publication https://t.co/z6Ynxwx…
@bapbray @ggkuhnle @QUBFoodProf Thank you, also feel free to check out the corresponding publication https://t.co/z6YnxwxHHT
Dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates in association with type 2 diabetes risk: Results from the NutriNet-Santé population-based cohort study https://t.co/wuanIUlq9d
Mayor exposición a los nitritos originados en los alimentos y el agua, así como el de los aditivos, estaría asociada con un mayor riesgo de diabetes tipo 2 #T2D #nitrates #nitrites #aditives https://t.co/W9F3ZZxpL7
Asociación de la exposición dietética a nitritos y nitratos con el riesgo de diabetes tipo 2 (DT2): una mayor exposición a nitritos, tanto originados de los alimentos como del agua y de los aditivos, se asoció con un mayor riesgo de DT2 . https://t.co/wcfl
A new study "suggested that a higher exposure to both foods and water-originated and additives-originated #nitrites was associated with higher type 2 #diabetes risk " Source: @PLOSMedicine Study: https://t.co/1wdmI5kX9c https://t.co/Sd8HECvuTf https://
Dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates in association with type 2 diabetes risk: Results from the NutriNet-Santé population-based cohort study https://t.co/QuJlrbgvHo
Dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates in association with type 2 diabetes risk: Results from the NutriNet-Santé population-based cohort study https://t.co/I9OunXk9P0
RT @iffnmanchester: Dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates in association with type 2 diabetes risk: Results from the NutriNet-Santé pop…
RT @john_damianosMD: Dietary nitrites (including from food additives like sodium nitrite e250) are associated with ⬆️ risk of type II #diab…
RT @jwkei: 加工肉に添加された亜硝酸塩は肉のアミン・アミドと結合してニトロソアミドなどの発がん物質を生じる、野菜の亜硝酸塩は体内で一酸化窒素となって血管を広げ、血管内皮をすべすべに。とグレガー先生の本に書いてあった。
RT @jwkei: 加工肉に添加された亜硝酸塩は肉のアミン・アミドと結合してニトロソアミドなどの発がん物質を生じる、野菜の亜硝酸塩は体内で一酸化窒素となって血管を広げ、血管内皮をすべすべに。とグレガー先生の本に書いてあった。
RT @Hiroto73981960: 加工肉に含まれる亜硝酸塩で糖尿病リスク上昇の恐れ。フランス人成人104,168人の前向きコホートでは、赤肉や加工肉に含まれる亜硝酸塩や硝酸塩を多く食べていた人は少ない人より2型糖尿病リスクが高くなった。果物や野菜の亜硝酸塩や硝酸塩ではリス…
加工肉に含まれる亜硝酸塩で糖尿病リスク上昇の恐れ。フランス人成人104,168人の前向きコホートでは、赤肉や加工肉に含まれる亜硝酸塩や硝酸塩を多く食べていた人は少ない人より2型糖尿病リスクが高くなった。果物や野菜の亜硝酸塩や硝酸塩ではリスク増加は観察されなかったと https://t.co/l0lGgjJhrl
Dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates in association with type 2 diabetes risk: Results from the NutriNet-Santé population-based cohort study https://t.co/jNLRqKTnj8 @PLOSMedicine #processed #Food #Health #nitrites #nitrates #diabetes
RT @john_damianosMD: Dietary nitrites (including from food additives like sodium nitrite e250) are associated with ⬆️ risk of type II #diab…
RT @john_damianosMD: Dietary nitrites (including from food additives like sodium nitrite e250) are associated with ⬆️ risk of type II #diab…
RT @john_damianosMD: Dietary nitrites (including from food additives like sodium nitrite e250) are associated with ⬆️ risk of type II #diab…
RT @john_damianosMD: Dietary nitrites (including from food additives like sodium nitrite e250) are associated with ⬆️ risk of type II #diab…
Dietary nitrites & nitrates and #diabetes https://t.co/QuJlrbgvHo
Dietary nitrites (including from food additives like sodium nitrite e250) are associated with ⬆️ risk of type II #diabetes. #MedTwitter #diet #nutrition https://t.co/C7V63JnT9v
RT @CienciaDelCope: Un estudio francés sugiere una asociación entre la exposición dietética a los nitritos y el riesgo de sufrir diabetes d…
RT @jamesjpdrake: My own risk-averse stance is based on some epidemiological evidence linking cancers of the GI tract to dietary intake of…
RT @dralibestami: Raf ömrünü uzatmak için gıda katkı maddesi olarak kullanılan sodyum nitratların Tip 2 diyabet riskini artırdığı gösterild…
Un estudio francés sugiere una asociación entre la exposición dietética a los nitritos y el riesgo de sufrir diabetes de tipo 2. https://t.co/X2rHzeV5rB https://t.co/VL2XPda5NQ
RT @g_coudray: Après le cancer et l'hypertension, voilà que l 'étude @NutriNetSante révèle que les charcuteries aux nitrites sont aussi res…
RT @g_coudray: Après le cancer et l'hypertension, voilà que l 'étude @NutriNetSante révèle que les charcuteries aux nitrites sont aussi res…
My own risk-averse stance is based on some epidemiological evidence linking cancers of the GI tract to dietary intake of nitrites. It’s not conclusive but has always put me off bacon! Read the full study published by @PLOSMedicine here: https://t.co/1CpV
RT @medical_xpress: #Nitrite additives associated with increased risk of type 2 #diabetes @plos @plosmedicine https://t.co/a2Albrqgf2 https…
RT @medical_xpress: #Nitrite additives associated with increased risk of type 2 #diabetes @plos @plosmedicine https://t.co/a2Albrqgf2 https…
RT @agingdoc1: Dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates in association with type 2 diabetes risk: Results from the NutriNet-Santé populati…
RT @agingdoc1: Dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates in association with type 2 diabetes risk: Results from the NutriNet-Santé populati…
Raf ömrünü uzatmak için gıda katkı maddesi olarak kullanılan sodyum nitratların Tip 2 diyabet riskini artırdığı gösterildi. ❌️Hazır gıda kullanımını sınırlamak sağlık getirir. #TakdirMilletindir #Survivor #saglik https://t.co/LOBHsKSwMe
RT @agingdoc1: Dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates in association with type 2 diabetes risk: Results from the NutriNet-Santé populati…
RT @agingdoc1: Dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates in association with type 2 diabetes risk: Results from the NutriNet-Santé populati…
#PLOSMedicine: Dietary exposure to #nitrites and nitrates in association with type 2 #diabetes risk: Results fr ... https://t.co/UJDlofIwRm
RT @medical_xpress: #Nitrite additives associated with increased risk of type 2 #diabetes @plos @plosmedicine https://t.co/a2Albrqgf2 https…
RT @agingdoc1: Dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates in association with type 2 diabetes risk: Results from the NutriNet-Santé populati…
Dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates in association with type 2 diabetes risk: Results from the NutriNet-Santé population-based cohort study https://t.co/5EkE4ZrYYA https://t.co/MuToIdSIgR
RT @HercbergS: #PLOSMedicine: A higher exposure to dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates (both foods and water-originated and additives…
RT @g_coudray: Après le cancer et l'hypertension, voilà que l 'étude @NutriNetSante révèle que les charcuteries aux nitrites sont aussi res…
RT @HercbergS: #PLOSMedicine: A higher exposure to dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates (both foods and water-originated and additives…
RT @medical_xpress: #Nitrite additives associated with increased risk of type 2 #diabetes @plos @plosmedicine https://t.co/a2Albrqgf2 https…
RT @PLOSMedicine: @BernardSrour and colleagues investigate the associations between dietary nitrites/nitrates and type-2 diabetes onset in…
RT @PLOSMedicine: @BernardSrour and colleagues investigate the associations between dietary nitrites/nitrates and type-2 diabetes onset in…
#PLOSMedicine: A higher exposure to dietary exposure to nitrites and nitrates (both foods and water-originated and additives-originated nitrites) was associated with type 2 diabetes risk in the @NutriNetSante cohort https://t.co/kOK7ZYfUOy
RT @PLOSMedicine: @BernardSrour and colleagues investigate the associations between dietary nitrites/nitrates and type-2 diabetes onset in…
RT @medical_xpress: #Nitrite additives associated with increased risk of type 2 #diabetes @plos @plosmedicine https://t.co/a2Albrqgf2 https…
RT @medical_xpress: #Nitrite additives associated with increased risk of type 2 #diabetes @plos @plosmedicine https://t.co/a2Albrqgf2 https…
RT @g_coudray: Après le cancer et l'hypertension, voilà que l 'étude @NutriNetSante révèle que les charcuteries aux nitrites sont aussi res…
Après le cancer et l'hypertension, voilà que l 'étude @NutriNetSante révèle que les charcuteries aux nitrites sont aussi responsables de diabète de type 2 Mais @FrcsBraun n'est toujours pas prêt à agir, @MFesneau laisse le dossier entre les mains des indu
RT @PLOSMedicine: @BernardSrour and colleagues investigate the associations between dietary nitrites/nitrates and type-2 diabetes onset in…
RT @medical_xpress: #Nitrite additives associated with increased risk of type 2 #diabetes @plos @plosmedicine https://t.co/a2Albrqgf2 https…
RT @medical_xpress: #Nitrite additives associated with increased risk of type 2 #diabetes @plos @plosmedicine https://t.co/a2Albrqgf2 https…
RT @medical_xpress: #Nitrite additives associated with increased risk of type 2 #diabetes @plos @plosmedicine https://t.co/a2Albrqgf2 https…
RT @medical_xpress: #Nitrite additives associated with increased risk of type 2 #diabetes @plos @plosmedicine https://t.co/a2Albrqgf2 https…
RT @medical_xpress: #Nitrite additives associated with increased risk of type 2 #diabetes @plos @plosmedicine https://t.co/a2Albrqgf2 https…
RT @medical_xpress: #Nitrite additives associated with increased risk of type 2 #diabetes @plos @plosmedicine https://t.co/a2Albrqgf2 https…
RT @medical_xpress: #Nitrite additives associated with increased risk of type 2 #diabetes @plos @plosmedicine https://t.co/a2Albrqgf2 https…
RT @medical_xpress: #Nitrite additives associated with increased risk of type 2 #diabetes @plos @plosmedicine https://t.co/a2Albrqgf2 https…
#Nitrite additives associated with increased risk of type 2 #diabetes @plos @plosmedicine https://t.co/a2Albrqgf2 https://t.co/fYBrauIA8F
@BernardSrour and colleagues investigate the associations between dietary nitrites/nitrates and type-2 diabetes onset in the French @NutriNetSante cohort. https://t.co/0p08xcrjLU #nutrition #diet #diabetes #epidemiology https://t.co/C5hid8QWLU