Человек Что такое эхолокация и как обучить этому человека: все проще, чем вы думаете! Василий Макаров
, 19:32 При достаточном обучении большинство людей могут научиться эхолокации, используя свой язык, чтобы издавать щелкающие звук…
What to know about human echolocation
Medical News Today,
Echolocation is a technique that uses sound waves to find and detect objects. Some studies suggest that some blind people have…
What do blind people see?
Medical News Today,
Most blind people have some level of vision, but what they can see differs from person to person.
How echolocation lets bats, dolphins, and even people navigate by sound
Popular Science,
Dolphins, porpoises, and other toothed whales have mastered echolocation thanks to unique anatomical structures.
Apprenez à naviguer comme une chauve-souris en 10 semaines
News 24,
23 juin 2022 – Une nouvelle étude sur l’enseignement des techniques de navigation aux humains pourrait vous rapprocher un peu…
Studja: Ljudi mogu da se obuče da se sluhom snalaze u mraku za samo 10 sedmica
Delfini, kitovi i slepi miševi umeju da se kreću u potpunom mraku samo sluhom, ali ne samo oni, već i ljudi, iako, naravno, ne…
Nauka: Ljudi mogu da se obuče da se sluhom snalaze u mraku za samo 10 nedelja, kažu britanski naučnici
Delfini, kitovi i slepi miševi umeju da se kreću u potpunom mraku samo sluhom, ali ne samo oni, već i ljudi, iako, naravno, ne…
Learn to Navigate Like a Bat in 10 Weeks - swifttelecast
Swift Telecast,
June 23, 2022 – A new study on teaching navigation skills to humans might get you a little closer to being Batman.
Learn to Navigate Like a Bat in 10 Weeks
Today Headline,
June 23, 2022 – A new study on teaching navigation skills to humans might get you a little closer to being Batman.
Humans can learn to echolocate like bats in just ten weeks
A study on the ability titled "Human Echolocators Have Better Localization Off Axis" has been published in the journal…
Learn to Navigate Like a Bat in 10 Weeks - swifttelecast
Swift Telecast,
June 23, 2022 – A new study on teaching navigation skills to humans might get you a little closer to being Batman.
Crazy experiment shows humans can learn to echolocate like bats
When you think of echolocation, you probably think of bats or dolphins. But echolocation has also been used as a way for blind…
Crazy experiment shows humans can learn to echolocate like bats
When you think of echolocation, you probably think of bats or dolphins. But echolocation has also been used as a way for blind…
Crazy experiment shows humans can learn to echolocate like bats
When you think of echolocation, you probably think of bats or dolphins. But echolocation has also been used as a way for blind…
Learn to Navigate Like a Bat in 10 Weeks
WebMD News,
June 23, 2022 – A new study on teaching navigation skills to humans might get you a little closer to being Batman.
Humans Can Learn to ‘Echolocate’ in Just 10 Weeks, Experiment Shows
With enough training, most humans can learn how to echolocate, using their tongue to make clicking sounds and interpreting the…
Apprenez à vous déplacer comme un dauphin (enfin, presque)
Yahoo! News,
(Photo: nguyentienphat8888 / 500px via Getty Images) CLIC’ CLIC’ - Pour se déplacer, les humains s’appuient principalement la…
Study Reveals That Humans Can Learn To Echolocate Similarly to Bats, Whales
Headlines & Global News,
Learning to echolocate like bats and whales can be done by humans, as shown in an experiment to explore this idea.
Humans Can Learn Echolocation in a 10-week Training, New Study
Guardian mag,
With enough training, most humans can learn how to echolocate, using their tongue to make clicking sounds and interpreting the…
Наука Любого человека можно обучить эхолокации — это проще, чем может показаться Василий Макаров
, 20:25 При достаточном обучении большинство людей могут научиться эхолокации, используя свой язык, чтобы издавать щелкающие звук…
Британские ученые: людей можно обучить эхолокации всего за 10 недель - BBC News Русская служба
BBC News,
Николай Воронин Корреспондент по вопросам науки 33 минуты назад Приложение Русской службы BBC News доступно для IOS и Android.
Możemy być jak delfiny? Ludzie są w stanie posiąść ich umiejętność
Strona główna›Możemy być jak delfiny? Ludzie są w stanie posiąść ich umiejętność 20.06.2022 19:10 Ludzie mogą nauczyć się…
Humans Can Now Walk With Eyes Closed Through a 10-Week Echolocation Training Program
The Science Times, United States,
10:30 AM EDT (Photo : Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels) A new study allows humans to navigate without sight by learning how to…
Эксперимент показал, что люди могут научиться эхолокации за 10 недель
Большинство людей могут научиться эхолокации, используя щелкающие звуки для создания эхо.
Humans Can Learn to 'Echolocate' in Just 10 Weeks, Experiment Shows
Science Alert,
With enough training, most humans can learn how to echolocate, using their tongue to make clicking sounds and interpreting the…
Silent Crowd Goes Wild After Blind Teen Makes Basket in ‘Magnificent’ Video
A blind teenager from Michigan was met with thunderous applause on Tuesday after successfully scoring during a high school…
Silent crowd goes wild after blind teen makes basket in "magnificent" video
A blind teenager from Michigan was met with thunderous applause on Tuesday after successfully scoring during a high school…
Cientistas acreditam ter descoberto um sexto sentido
Diário da Amazônia,
Se preferir, ouça a versão em áudio Um grupo de cientistas da Universidade de Durham, no Reino Unido, acredita ter descoberto o…
Cientistas descobrem um (verdadeiro) sexto sentido
Desde tenra idade, são ensinados e explicados os cinco sentidos com os quais nascemos dotados.
Cientistas acreditam ter descoberto um sexto sentido
Capacidade consiste no reconhecimento da envolvência sem recorrer à visão. Apesar de ser frequentemente usada pelos humanos…
You Have a Sixth Sense You Probably Aren't Using Yet
Humans have a sixth sense that most aren't using, but they could learn to. Some people who are blind have already figured out…
You Have a Sixth Sense You Probably Aren't Using Yet
WebMD News,
July 8, 2021 -- Humans have a sixth sense that most of us aren't using, but could learn to.
Echoortung: Wie sich Blinde mit Klick-Lauten zurechtfinden können
Mit Stock oder Blindenhund finden sich heute Menschen mit stark eingeschränktem oder gar keinem Sehvermögen im Alltag zurecht.
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 17 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 17 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 17 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 17 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 17 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Wednesday 16 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Wednesday 16 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Tuesday 15 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Tuesday 15 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Tuesday 15 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Tuesday 15 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Tuesday 15 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Tuesday 15 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Tuesday 15 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Tuesday 15 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Saturday 12 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Friday 11 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Friday 11 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News Week Japan,
<音や超音波を発し、周囲の物体の反響音によって、その物体の距離や方向、大きさなどを知覚する「エコーロケーション(反響定位)」視覚障がい者、晴眼者にトレーニングを実施した> エコーロケーション(反響定位)とは、動物が音や超音波を発し、周囲の物体の反響音によって…
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Thursday 10 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
Les humains peuvent apprendre à écholocaliser efficacement en dix semaines seulement
Daily Geek Show,
De récentes recherches ont montré que les personnes aveugles pouvaient maîtriser l’écholocalisation en un peu plus de deux mois.
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Wednesday 09 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Wednesday 09 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Wednesday 09 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Wednesday 09 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Wednesday 09 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Wednesday 09 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Wednesday 09 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
Νέα μελέτη: Οι άνθρωποι μπορούν να αναπτύξουν μέσα σε 10 εβδομάδες την «έκτη αίσθηση τού ηχοεντοπισμού»
Δύο νέες, πρόσφατες μελέτες καταδεικνύουν τη δυνατότητα ανάπτυξης -εντός αναλογικά μικρού χρονικού ορίζοντα- μιας έκτης αίσθησης…
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Wednesday 09 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
Scientists Teach People Echolocation Using Tongue Clicks
A team of researchers in the UK says it’s trained a cohort of people to use echolocation.
People who are blind navigate better after echolocation training
Sign of the Times,
© MattLphotography/Alamy Echolocation is the ability to sense one’s surroundings by interpreting how sounds reflect off nearby…
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Tuesday 08 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Tuesday 08 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
Człowiek może nauczyć się echolokacji. Wystarczy 10 tygodni
Echolokacja to umiejętność, którą zwykle kojarzymy ze zwierzętami, takimi jak nietoperze i walenie.
New Study Finds That People Can Learn Echolocation In Just 10 Weeks
NDTV Gadgets,
New research has found that it is possible for people to learn click-based echolocation in just 10 weeks.
Echolokacji może nauczyć się każdy, nie tylko niewidomi
Kopalnia Wiedzy,
41 min. temu | Zdrowie/uroda Od lat dowiadujemy się, że niektórzy niewidomi wykorzystują echolokację.
Исследование показало, что люди могут научиться эхолокации всего за 10 недель
Команда исследователей научила 12 незрячих и 14 людей со зрением использовать цоканье языком, чтобы ориентироваться в пространств…
果壳 坐拥375只超萌小奶狗,这实验也太幸福了吧!|一周科技 小狗天生就懂得如何与人交流 果壳果壳网官方帐号
果壳 坐拥375只超萌小奶狗,这实验也太幸福了吧!|一周科技 原创 见文末 果壳 果壳 微信号 Guokr42 功能介绍 科学和技术,是我们和这个世界对话所用的语言。 收录于话题 #一周科技 欢迎收看一周科技。本周你将看到:①火星上的云;②小狗狗具有与人交流…
News story from The Evening Telegraph on Monday 07 June 2021
The Evening Telegraph,
Человек способен освоить эхолокацию за десять недель
Психолог Лор Талер ( Lore Thaler ) и ее коллеги из Даремского университета за десять недель обучили более двух десятков человек о…