Asiallinen tutkimus ja hyvää, uutta tietoa, mutta kumminkin: Joku on saanut palkkaa siitä, että maalaa lehmiä raidalliseksi. 😂 Ei mulla toisaalta ole varaa naureskella muuten kuin hyvätahtoisella myötätunnolla, on mullekin maksettu päästäisen vakoilukoneen
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
Estoy por pintarme a franjas
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
The Pepe Le Pew cartoons we know and love are a remake of a British series.
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
How I would like to be clever enough to have thought of that!
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
Idealmente é fazer roupa com riscas. E riscos. Brancos tb.
Raise your hand if after reading this you’re contemplating buying ref uni’s 🙋♂️🦓
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
Machhar bhagane ka naya totka...
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
@collemyria Bonjour, je partage avec vous, cette information étonnante sur le pouvoir répulsif des zébrures. Le test aurait été effectué sur des bœufs revêtus de zébrures noires et blanches : ils seraient alors moins envahis par les mouches et moustiques q
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
Stanotte così per le zanzare
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
Interleaving learning is a technique where a learner studies multiple related topics or skills and switches between them, instead of focusing on one topic or skill at a time. This to me, is a perfect example 🔥
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
Vous êtes piqué par les moustiques? Portez du zébré. Vous me remercier et plus tard.
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and white stripes on cows. They found that it reduced the number of biting flies landing on the cows by more than 50% [full paper: https:
RT @ogugeo: シマウマの白黒の縞は飛来する虫を妨げるという説がある。愛知農業総合試験場で、黒い牛に白い塗料で縞を作るとサシバエなどに刺される頻度が有意に減ることが確認された。国際誌に論文 黒い塗料を塗っても減らず、匂い等…
RT @tweeting_drtaka: これ、面白いですよね。イグノーベル賞モノだと思います。願わくば、こういうわけのわからない実験をする余力が、今後も世の中に沢山残されていることを!(MTFBWY的に)
@fasc1nate Cited 18 times, viewed 149,700 times COWS PAINTED WITH ZEBRA-LIKE STRIPING CAN AVOID BITING FLY ATTACK. Published: October 3, 2019 and use Sci-hub or
@lisapease @fasc1nate @Thor_LM A few people either spreading misinfo or asking me me about it, im too busy to be spoonfeeding but here is the link to this FREE article, have fun and form your own opinions :3
numbers of biting flies on Japanese Black cows painted with black-and-white stripes were significantly lower than those on non-painted cows and cows painted only with black stripes
シマウマの白黒の縞は飛来する虫を妨げるという説がある。愛知農業総合試験場で、黒い牛に白い塗料で縞を作るとサシバエなどに刺される頻度が有意に減ることが確認された。国際誌に論文 黒い塗料を塗っても減らず、匂い等ではなく色の効果。牛のストレス軽減に有効とのこと。
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects, so a team of researchers painted black and…
RT @AngelBorjaYerro: maybe these guys obtained this after three consecutive reviewers rounds?…
maybe these guys obtained this after three consecutive reviewers rounds?
This 100 year old ship, HMS London, is attacked by half as many biting flies. Picture from "J.A. Hammerton, A Popular History of the Great War, (London, nd), V, plate 55"