@MothMonito Los perros son omnívoros de base no hay duda de que pueden llevar una dieta vegana, de hecho te pasaré si quieres estudios de ello, con los gatos si que entiendo más la duda por ello te paso este estudio https://t.co/bRPdT0SJPT
@CNviolations Looks like two things *can* be true at once... "The pooled evidence to date from our study, and from others in this field, indicate that cats fed nutritionally sound vegan diets may be healthier overall, than those fed meat-based diets." ht
@Links4CNVP @CNviolations Here is the article https://t.co/wr1bY3qGla
Based on this one 100% made-up article, I would never ever take anything from this organization as anything but bull-poop. This is dangerous propaganda. @PLOS https://t.co/Q0V81xIapb
@thedancer1818 Here’s reporting showing vegan cats can be healthy. Vet says my cat is perfectly healthy, I think you’re the one who’s big mad🤷https://t.co/JXoGzCRwtx
@KaneGang420 @LilithLovett Relevant article https://t.co/JXoGzCS4j5
RT @tobe0or0nottobe: 体の上にいて地震こなかったチャミーさん🥰 Vegan versus meat-based cat food https://t.co/HcCWkOkzpK https://t.co/ah9dtroGoO
体の上にいて地震こなかったチャミーさん🥰 Vegan versus meat-based cat food https://t.co/HcCWkOkzpK https://t.co/ah9dtroGoO
@mill_claudiaaa @chinchlady701 Yes you can https://t.co/UygRH6Gfvr
@chinchlady701 This study found benefits in cats fed a vegan diet. https://t.co/KV2SbR9SgH
@chinchlady701 Its your choice, but the only study on vegan cat food shows that feeding cats vegan diets can be just as healthy if not moreso than meat based diets https://t.co/Nh3K4doBlp I dont expect you to flip around or anything, just theres a lot of
RT @MoonageDaydre4m: Animal abuser alert. Cats are obligate carnivores.
Animal abuser alert. Cats are obligate carnivores.
@VegNews All four of my cat are thriving on animal-free cat food. https://t.co/udVG9Q5mkO
@KenDBerryMD All you have is the appeal to nature fallacy. We have the only option that DOESN'T abuse animals + health outcome data: "The pooled evidence to date... indicate that cats fed nutritionally sound vegan diets may be healthier overall, than those
@TajemniczyE @OfficulA @ThatVeganHealer https://t.co/GWSsO8zO1u yes there is proof and a mendelian effect existing does not change that
@UlleTegra @JohannesZa @nanigee_ ich hab zwei sachen verlinkt :) https://t.co/2wjDK8Yc1g Ja selbstverstädnlich sind in einem neuen Gebiet die Studien erstmal auf so einem Level. Die wichtigere Frage: Hast du welche, die mir das Gegenteil zeigen?
@UlleTegra @JohannesZa @nanigee_ Es gibt keine Ernährungsformen ohne negative Auswirkungen. Schade, das so formulieren zu müssen. Falls es dich wirklich interessiert: https://t.co/2wjDK8Yc1g https://t.co/p98RV9tBWP
@HvacVision @N_Schmid & übrigens kann mensch Katzen auch Vegan ernähren. https://t.co/48nRFTNgC2
@ein_veganiac Are you aware of this? Study showing better health outcomes in cats fed well formulated vegan diet https://t.co/9QGdBVsy7E 20-Year History of Euthanasia Drug in Pet Food https://t.co/DV8LsadEVr VeganGains explains his cat's vegan diet http
@rotolady @Jamesblahaj @legaltweetz Huh weird, seems like you can have vegan cats, provided the food is nutritionally sound. Looks like your full of shit bud😁🖕 https://t.co/tT9fTmIbc3.
@WildSaphira @ShouldHaveCat How's your foot taste? https://t.co/X6lqIP33nm
One cognitive bias I see in this study, is the difference in numbers between the two. "Of these 22 disorders, 15 were more common in cats eating meat" - of course there will be generally more health disorders present in any group 10 times larger than the o
@MiaJame55497405 @KoiraPotes She linked a study https://t.co/Gh9c8uzYWq I don't have time to read it in detail rn but she did cite a source
@Christophe70301 @ZenonManu @MediaMontmirail Pourtant plus de 90% des chats mangent un régime omnivore (croquettes) Et un régime végétal (avec évidemment tous les micro nutriments nécessaires dans les croquettes) est adapté et serait même bénéfique : http
@koffivalere1992 @ImperiumMarche @ZenonManu @MediaMontmirail D'ailleurs quasi toutes les croquettes pour chat sont un mix de protéines végétales et animales Les études montrent que les chats sous diète vegan ont moins de rdv chez le véto, et moins de prob
@J_to_the_AY @trnglhoa7 @cnviolations it was a hypothetical to show that just because something is natural, doesn't imply that it is optimal most animals receive the by-products from the animal industries. there is data which suggests, that pb diets for c
@ajrbb2020 @T_morgan61 @cnviolations uh.. you clearly are. also, here data which supports that cats are even healthier on a vegan diet https://t.co/84eTSEpoUn
@eyelidcloser @cnviolations there is data which supports that cats are even healthier on a vegan diet, see https://t.co/84eTSEpoUn btw are you vegan already, or an animal abuser yourself?
@TMGFlorida @NickBallKnower @T_morgan61 @cnviolations Assigning a label to things doesn't make them unchangeable truths. It's simply a fact that it's possible to feed a cat a vegan diet. I'm not saying it's great, or that it's studied enough, but it's out
@Timcast Too much"paleo"meat-based cat food —Knight A et al “Vegan versus meat-based cat food: Guardian-reported health outcomes in 1,369 cats, after controlling for feline demographic factors.” PLoS One 2023 Sep 13;18(9):e0284132 doi: 10.1371/journal.pon
@konypyon No se les puede dar de comer una dieta a base de plantas? Los gatos son carnivoros pero pueden tener una dieta vegana(https://t.co/ozuEoRGqzd)
RT @S_Catsgotmyback: @Troyocto @kcisney @Hypnicol @Race2Extinct You should https://t.co/YTnHMa47GE to get an idea of what is going into pet…
@Race2Extinct @Troyocto @kcisney @Hypnicol More unsubstantiated claims from you, Lyle. Stop embarrassing yourself.
@Troyocto @kcisney @Hypnicol @Race2Extinct You should https://t.co/YTnHMa47GE to get an idea of what is going into pet food. It’s quite disturbing. 👇🏻‘Considering these results overall, cats fed vegan diets tended to be healthier than cats fed meat-based
@kdwizzer @OliviaL53289925 https://t.co/GklJ3dzke3 looks sort of fine to me? unless you thought vegan cat food = salad and quinoa or something More evidence is needed, but so far the evidence leads to similar health outcomes
@Damian_Bury Przecież pewnie i tak nie umiesz czytać po angielsku ale proszę: https://t.co/8DQy2RGFay
@przekret @totylkoteoria A to czemu? Może sam zweryfikuj te bzdury zamiast opierać się na Sakowskim. https://t.co/51rz4JXdvN
RT @stepien_przemek: @totylkoteoria A jednak nauka twierdzi, że z dużym prawdopodobieństwem pan Jaś ma rację. https://t.co/iYsHPaikwg
To tylko teoria, ale Łukasz jest szurem
@totylkoteoria A jednak nauka twierdzi, że z dużym prawdopodobieństwem pan Jaś ma rację. https://t.co/iYsHPaikwg
@kot_phd Dokładnie. Od naukowca oczekuje się min. zachować naukowcy sceptycyzm. Jeszcze to znalazłem. https://t.co/iYsHPaikwg
@totylkoteoria Dude, czyli badania twierdzące inaczej w badaniach peer reviewed zlejemy ciepłym moczem? Te badania w wersji minimum każą zachować naukowy sceptycyzm wobec tezy, że dieta wegańska nie jest zdrowsza. https://t.co/iYsHPaikwg
@yrilibek Co najmniej kilka badań popiera zdanie Jasia. Nawet jeśli można mieć wątpliwości, rosnąca liczba badań twierdzących, że jednak dieta wegańska może być zdrowa dla kota, każe mieć naukowy sceptycyzm. https://t.co/iYsHPaikwg
Kiedy ideologia jest ważniejsza od nauki: Pan Sakowski odrzuca badania naukowe przeczące jego tezie, bo on wie lepiej. Pan Sakowski z nauką dawno się już rozwiódł na rzecz ideologii. https://t.co/iYsHPaikwg
@Texas_Bird_Dog @sibaburck https://t.co/kJzDGQuQrg https://t.co/Dww4AUQz8T https://t.co/dLUeLCHjn3 As I said above. More and more evidence is emerging. Is more research needed? Absolutely. Does that mean there isn't evidence? Of course not.
@TMGFlorida @CamryThatTalks @S1ncarne @AnnalisaBlueMo1 @vegan_rav "Considering these results overall, cats fed vegan diets tended to be healthier than cats fed meat-based diets. This trend was clear and consistent. These results largely concur with previou
— Knight A, Bauer A, Brown H. “Vegan versus meat-based cat food: Guardian-reported health outcomes in 1,369 cats, after controlling for feline demographic factors.” PLoS One. 2023 Sep 13;18(9):e0284132. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0284132. PMID: 37703240. ht
@TheJollyChap To add to this, before I hop off, there are studies that look promising considering vegan diets for cats. One I'm aware is this one: https://t.co/kvctJJSKLj
@freefetterman @JaxTheCircusGuy @ThatVeganHealer https://t.co/l2m59kYNTu Cats can be vegan
@TanguyLacr0ix Plot twist https://t.co/YlTqKyCyHy
@pp_dirac @just9tails @dragonese123 @cnviolations this is the study linked in the guardian https://t.co/oLsLTXTnII https://t.co/Jx3b5OorMK
@kakuu_ii @zbigi15 @cnviolations there are plenty of such cats of vegans, you can find many of them here on twitter, the cat of "vegan gains" a known youtuber is fed a plantbased diet for example, there are also studies and it's just logical nutritional sc
@tonygoldmark Here's the study that they are talking about. Just to note, they only tested 127 cats on vegan diets vs 1,242 meat based. If anything, this would call for a much larger and bigger study. https://t.co/fQ4TBcdUh5
@HambiChaos @Bulldogmaik @Kosmonauticus https://t.co/oEqf11NHMk Viel Spaß 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@KingTheGalaxy28 @ayanenaya127980 There is actually some evidence it might be even healthier. But thats more controversial. https://t.co/UjbiPLUQG0
@USSR2Europe @FredSargeant @_samanthalux Hmm, it looks like I may have been misinformed, actually: https://t.co/EE9QTlIvBM Ah well, answer is "it's complicated" as always.
@Lukestonehm @PETAUK @TheJustComics https://t.co/HOcVL9dK0l Study found that the number of health disorders per unwell cat decreased by 15.5% in plant based cats. No detriments detected. Thank you for retracting the screenshot.
@majormagna “Considering these results overall, cats fed vegan diets tended to be healthier than cats fed meat-based diets.” https://t.co/7eUFHtw17U
@LorettaGoldan @DasWuppi Erzähl keinen Quatsch https://t.co/8jYIgaEEsl
@Franzimulation @herbivorize And I’ve looked at studies of dogs on vegan diets; they live longer. The same is true for cats. https://t.co/7eUFHtw17U
@amanns5 Not so. “The lion will lie with the lamb” is what the Bible says will happen after the second coming of the Messiah. (In Isaiah). Genesis 1 says all animals were created vegetarian. And science says vegan cats are healthier https://t.co/7eUFHtw17
論文紹介するならリンクは載せなさいって言っているでしょ! 📄https://t.co/h8PdJ1o1g4 内容自体は興味深いものだと思うよ。ただ傾向はあるけど有意差は出ていないみたいなので今後に期待 「完全菜食主義の猫は、肉食よりも健康的?」驚きの調査結果が発表される イギリス https://t.co/VzbTlB0eIu
@Rob_Chipman @adamTford Still a loaded question fallacy; but if you want my thoughts on the subject of total Predator death, feel free to check out this article: https://t.co/ptHTldsdHM
@SipOfKoKo Seems vegan cats are not only possible but healthier https://t.co/tneyqB1eyt
@aiketsjer @PartijvdDieren Vegan kattenvoer is gezonder: https://t.co/Oc88Y4XdZg
@fyberjack Big new study just found it's healthier for cats https://t.co/tneyqB1eyt
RT @Luis_Tovar: Los metaestudios más actuales indican que una dieta vegana bien planificada no sólo es apta y saludable para los gatos sino…
RT @Luis_Tovar: Los metaestudios más actuales indican que una dieta vegana bien planificada no sólo es apta y saludable para los gatos sino…
RT @MarcBekoff: Vegan versus meat-based cat food: Guardian-reported health outcomes in 1,369 cats, after controlling for feline demographic…
Los metaestudios más actuales indican que una dieta vegana bien planificada no sólo es apta y saludable para los gatos sino que es incluso más saludable para ellos que una dieta basada en productos de origen animal: https://t.co/WDLm9wRwzZ
So much for "cats are obligate carnivores"? What's most interesting is Table 6: Prevalence of 22 specific disorders or affected bodily systems in 988 cats fed meat-based or vegan diets, based on reported assessments of veterinarians. https://t.co/HdSO0P9
RT @MarcBekoff: Vegan versus meat-based cat food: Guardian-reported health outcomes in 1,369 cats, after controlling for feline demographic…
RT @MarcBekoff: Vegan versus meat-based cat food: Guardian-reported health outcomes in 1,369 cats, after controlling for feline demographic…
RT @MarcBekoff: Vegan versus meat-based cat food: Guardian-reported health outcomes in 1,369 cats, after controlling for feline demographic…
RT @MarcBekoff: Vegan versus meat-based cat food: Guardian-reported health outcomes in 1,369 cats, after controlling for feline demographic…
Vegan versus meat-based cat food: Guardian-reported health outcomes in 1,369 cats, after controlling for feline demographic factors https://t.co/mTJU03NwVY
@das_mittlere Das hebt die Diskussion evtl. etwas aus dem Sumpf des subjektiven Bauchgefühls heraus! https://t.co/k1hwvnaXGb
@das_mittlere @AntiGlenn @antimadame @die_poebelige Es gibt keinen signifikanten gesundheitlichen Unterschied zwischen einer plant- und meat-based Ernaehrung bei Katzen. https://t.co/Xff6WaNyAx https://t.co/Lht8O2Tv6h
@schmarer Hier ganz frisch zum Nachlesen https://t.co/laAiLnw7zf
@TheGrungler69 @veganfuture Cats and dogs are both omnivorous. The science shows both can thrive on a plant based diet. The bigger question is why we’re keeping snakes and lizards in captivity for our own entertainment. https://t.co/UzqvoNj5Jc
Dogs and cats should be fed vegan. According to the studies of the University Veterinary Hospital Winchester, vegan food is the healthiest for dogs and cats: https://t.co/JadKHwHaKk https://t.co/P1L1H609oc
@ozzyyumi Dogs and cats should be fed vegan. According to the studies of the University Veterinary Hospital Winchester, vegan food is the healthiest for dogs and cats: https://t.co/JadKHwHaKk https://t.co/P1L1H609oc
Dogs and cats should be fed vegan. According to the studies of the University Veterinary Hospital Winchester, vegan food is the healthiest for dogs and cats: https://t.co/JadKHwHaKk https://t.co/P1L1H609oc